Faith vs. Fear

I always find it quite intriguing when people tell me how afraid they are of almost every aspect of their lives in one breathe but in the next throw in “but I have Faith”. They are genuinely confused as to why they are struggling.

Faith cannot exist in the presence of fear.

Before I continue let’s have a brief look at what Faith actually is. Faith, in essence, is trust. Simply put, it is the belief that no matter what happens, everything is going to be ok.

Fear. False Evidence Appearing Real, is the exact opposite of Faith. It is the complete omission of trust. If you are being driven by fear what you’re displaying is a lack of trust. If you trust, you know with every fiber of your being that everything is as it should be. We may not see the bigger picture immediately, but there is ALWAYS one.

Here is where it becomes problematic. If fear is opposite of Faith, then it is also the opposite of Love. Isn’t love trusting? Doesn’t love comfort in knowing that Love is all there is? Everything comes from a source of Love to help us grow. By fearing, we are not trusting love. We are not trusting ourselves. Fear is the ego’s very tricky way of keeping us paralyzed because it suggests we don’t contain the tools to overcome any obstacle. Very sneaky ego! We possess every tool necessary to overcome any challenge, no matter how momentous or scary.

How many times have you feared something, and it never materialized? 99% maybe? Fear is not real, its just a feeling. I like to call it the “F” word. Just ego injecting doubt to keep you stuck. Soul is certainty, knowing, trusting. Not a single shadow of doubt.

Fear tries to control. Trying to control leads to completely out of control because you cannot control. All you’re in control of EVER is how to respond to thoughts, feelings and emotions. Respond with love, respond with trust.

When you are being motivated by fear you CANNOT experience pure love. You CANNOT create success. You CANNOT prosper because fear is the opposite of Love. Love which is the foundation of everything beautiful.

The next time you feel fear dig deep and FIND YOUR FAITH. Faith says, “TRUST in the process” and let it reveal its majesty to you. Fear says, “doubt the process” and be riddled with insecurity, anxiety and pain.

Faith over fear, EVERY, SINGLE, time.

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Pure awesomeness, thank you!!

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